El seguimiento dice “entregado”, pero no he recibido mi pedido.

Raras veces ocurre, pero si no has recibido tu pedido y en el seguimiento te aparece como recibido, por favor, envíanos el número del pedido usando el formulario de contacto e investigaremos qué ha sucedido.

Una vez nos pongamos en contacto con la empresa de delivery y sepamos qué ha ocurrido nos pondremos en contacto contigo comunicándote lo sucedido.

Contact us

BASIC INFORMATION ON DATA PROTECTION: In ECOM COMERCIO ONLINE, S.L. as responsible for the treatment, we will use the information you provide for the management of your activity as a user of this website, as well as attend and respond to requests for information as well as suggestions, queries and comments made through the various forms. We inform you that you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, opposition, deletion, limitation and portability, as explained in the additional information we have made available in our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.